Ye ol'LeBaron rear window regulator ritual

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by billccm, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. billccm

    billccm Guest


    The right rear window regulator exploded tonight when I was putting
    the windows up. You know the sound; cables clanking and whipping
    around while the window set half way up. I checked my records, and it
    has been 9 years since I made this repair. I must be living right. I
    still have the written estimate from a dealer for $1,290 to do both
    sides back in 1993; that's when I learned to do this job myself!

    I ordered both sides tonight from Window Motor World on eBay. I
    learned my lesson long ago that you do both sides when you perform
    this job.

    As I recall, this is about an eight hour job start to finish (dealer
    estimate was 6 hours). Didn't 'spikey' have a web site with some tip
    and short cuts? Anyone have a link?

    If you have any tips, tricks, or short cuts I would apprecaite the

    Thanks, and take care,

    billccm, Nov 8, 2007
  2. billccm

    Bill Guest

    I feel for ya' Bill,

    Bill, Nov 8, 2007
  3. billccm

    billccm Guest

    Some updates; I am about 3 hours and 30 minutes into the job. So far,
    the entire rear interior is out of the car, and I have exchanged the
    left side window+regulator.

    Moving the quarter window glass from the old regulator to the new is a
    feat in itself; lotsd of spacers, wahers, and hardware to get in the
    correct position.

    The quarter window weatherstrips were replaced by using a heat gun to
    soften the old one and sliding into place the NOS replacement.

    The Window Motor World regulators seem to be very nice. They are
    silent and very smooth in operation. In fact, they seem to be better
    than the originals in every way.

    Tomorrow morning I will swap out the other side regulator+glass, and
    begin reassembly (and cleaning) of the interior.

    No matter what, this is still an 8 (maybe even 10) hour job.

    Thanks for all of the replies and advice,

    billccm, Nov 17, 2007
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