Would you pay $100,000 for Obama's 2005 Chrysler 300C?

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by DC, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Then what exactly ARE you doing? Obama hasn't even taken
    office yet. Why are all the conservatives continuing to take shots
    at him when the election is over? He's not making the big decisions
    yet, Bush is. I could understand Obama-critics before the election,
    everyone wants to do what they can for their preferred candidate to
    win. But once the election is over, at least wait until the guy has taken
    office in January before criticizing him. Geeze! Get over it!!
    Because there have been multiple analyses done on the ballots in
    Florida for the 2000 election, and the ones done by Bush supporters
    claim the votes were there to elect Bush, while the ones done by
    Gore supporters claim the votes were there to elect Gore. In short,
    the voting process was fuzzy enough that it isn't possible to know for
    sure either way - if you go by the electoral college votes. And now
    we never will know for sure because the ballots have been handled
    so much.

    This also sets aside the fact that the US Supreme Court interfered
    when the Constitution clearly states that the States have sole authority
    to determine vote totals.

    If you go by the popular votes, Gore won.

    The only good thing to come out of it was that Bush has been so
    throughly discredited, and has done such a through job of wrecking
    his own party's credibility, that if the cooler heads in the Republican
    Party seize the chance, they can eject the right-wing religious
    that Ronald Reagan brought in to the party and begin the process
    of healing the Republican party.

    The political process in the US is not served by having one healthy
    party, and one that is seriously sick due to infiltration by religious
    nutjobs. It would be nice if in 4 years the Republicans could actually
    field some serious candidates instead of people like that fruitcake Palin.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 15, 2008
  2. If McCain brought in the US Supreme Court to override States Rights
    and force a state to end consideration of an election count total that
    would just happen to give him the win, then you bet the liberals would
    be accusing McCain of stealing the election.

    I actually do think that McCain has enough personal honor that he would
    not have done that if it came to that. Bush certainly didn't. I think
    would have told the party that either they honor their own code of ethics
    and support States Rights and allow the state to work the vote total out on
    it's own, or he would immediately concede to his opponent.

    Even if it had played out that way, it would not have done a lot of good
    for the country. The fact is the US today does not have a good enough
    election system that it can be trusted to produce an accurate vote total
    in a close election, and that is shameful. It's much better to have a solid
    win such as happened this time.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 15, 2008
  3. DC

    Bill Putney Guest

    Certainly not what you said we're doing.
    What is it we're supposed to be getting over?
    I thought you wanted them handled even more - make up your mind. Can't
    have it both ways.

    And Democrat officials were the ones running the elections and allowing
    (in some cases creating) the problems.
    Did they not kick it back to the state? Who in FL pushed it to the S.C.
    in the first place? You want to answer that?
    And therefore what? Like it or not, that's not how our elections are
    decided. On average, the system doesn't inherently favor either party -
    as if many years ago the rules were set up like they were in
    anticipation of the Bush elections like you seem to want to think.
    You're like a teenager whose reasoning ability has not fully developed
    yet and is going to complain regardless of what you do to try to help
    them. Complaining just to be complaining.

    Counted the votes too many times . . . didn't count the votes enough.
    Every time they recounted, it looked worse and worse for Gore.
    Something like 1 out of 16 recounts came out in his favor - so you want
    to let that one stand and discount all others. Yeah that's logical.

    But one thing that we'll *not* do is have two sets of rules (electoral
    vs. popular) and choose which set of rules we go by to decide the
    winners and loosers in any given election after the fact, which
    apparently is what some would do if they could. Did Clinton win the
    popular vote? Did you bitch about that?
    Yeah - who can argue with that logic.
    Bill Putney, Dec 15, 2008
  4. If you read anything other than KOS and moveon.org you would know
    where to look... I have posted links to the $millions$ in bribes he
    paid to superdelegates to get the nomination.... and how much money
    was back-channeled from his campaign to moveon.org.

    Stop listening to NPR and stop watching al-jazeera amerika (cnn), CBS,
    NBC, ABC, etc.... They "love' the "messiah" and wouldn't rat him out
    if he was screwing a 6 year old... wait that's the founder of his
    "muslim faith"
    Ayatollah Obama, Dec 15, 2008
  5. Becuase he's a lying piece of shit that doesn't give a shit about any
    one but himself and how much graft he can corner!

    If he gave a shit about even his family... grams is still waiting to
    be buried, His homeless brother is still living on the streets, his
    auntie is still living in a "rezko": like slum!

    Face it, you morons elected the "slum lord" president!

    damn, I may start refering to the "messiah" as Lord Slum!
    Ayatollah Obama, Dec 15, 2008
  6. And I guess that Larry Sinclair got some Lord Slum sludge on him and
    the car!
    Ayatollah Obama, Dec 15, 2008
  7. Wow Bill, what a rant! As if it makes any difference now who won the
    2000 election. The 2 terms were served out, pretty horribly, by Bush.
    My observation was mainly that it was unsurprising that a presidency
    that began in such controversy would turn out badly. Your reaction
    mainly proves that you Republicans feel compelled to defend to the
    death the 2000 election that put your buddy in office. Most likely because
    he botched the job he did so badly that you are now scared to death that
    historical analysis will show that he never deserved the office in the
    first place, thus cementing his crown as the worst US President in

    I suppose you are unaware of The Florida Ballot Project:


    Contrary to your wild-assed assertions that every time they
    recounted it looked worse for Gore, in actual fact the opposite
    was true. The conclusion NORC arrived at was that if all votes
    in Florida had been counted either under Florida law (which
    prescribes "intent of the voter), under the rules requested by Bush,
    or under the request by Gore within a week of the election to
    count all the Florida votes, Gore would have won the election.

    Ironically, the actual recount requested by Gore (including just
    the 4 counties but not the entire state) gave Bush Florida. Kind
    of one of those things where if Gore hadn't tried cherry-picking
    Florida and just let the grunts there do their jobs and recount the
    entire state, he would have got it.

    Of course, that's NORC's findings. Doubtless there are others,
    although I'm sure they aren't anywhere near the quality of that one.

    Now's your cue to claim NORC is
    partisan (which is another lie) and just dismiss the historical
    research because it doesen't neatly fit into a 5-second Republican

    Yes, Bill, despite your conservative-driven bent to shove every
    problem into a neat little package, the truth is more complex
    than you make it out to be.

    Typical engineer thinking - your brain can't handle anything with
    multiple solutions. Personally, I'm highly satisfied with the way
    things turned out. If Bush was half the President that any other
    US President was, he would have been greatly concerned with
    acknowleging the problems with 2000 and bully-pulpiting during
    the rest of his term for better elections - rather than what they
    actually did, which was shoving some of their rich friends into
    the states (ie: Diebold) to make a lot of money selling junk e-voting
    systems that could be hacked into in the future to make the election totals
    say what they want.

    Even Jeb Bush was disgusted over the mess Florida made of the 2004
    election - but you conservative party types like to forget that.

    But what ended up happening was better than anything since it
    reminded the public that when you put a jerk in office, that the
    resultant presidency you get out him will be garbage. So until
    this generation dies off, we should be seeing better quality
    candidates for a while. (like Obama) We may have had to
    pay for it with 8 years of pure crap - but we now should be good
    for at least another 30 years or more of decent people in
    office. Who knows, by the time I die, the US Presidency might
    even be respectable again! Imagine that!

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 17, 2008
  8. DC

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ted Mittelstaedt wrote a bunch of bullshit that he suckered me into
    getting involved in arguing:

    OK, Ted - so you suckered me into a discussion on a topic that no one
    was discussing. I swallowed the bait to allow you to say the crap that
    was on your mind in the first place that you wanted an opportunity to
    say but that there was no existing opportunity for, so you had to create it.

    You got what you want. Congratulations.
    Bill Putney, Dec 17, 2008
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