Would You Buy a Car from Chrysler?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, May 1, 2009.

  1. Jim Higgins

    joe Guest

    been there along with owner. your missing some things here. If workers
    deserve better wages ( be it from skill or standard of living or
    whatever) then they should get those wages. The problem isn't unions
    or managers per se, but the reasons for thier need. get an honest and
    good manager/owner and you don't need a union. Then again these days
    that's like finding chicken lips.

    and?? you still can't see the forest for the trees. Look at it in
    context. Those europeans of religious background came here to get away
    from the throne and it's decision to back one religion over others.
    There was never any problem with say the ten commandment, just the
    idea that the federal govt. should back any relgion. Hence the
    problems many had with kennedy, it wasn't so much his views as the
    fear of giving the catholic church access to the white house. I happen
    to agree with the founding fathers. If you want to believe fine do so
    but don't ask the govt. to "sponsor" your religion over others. They
    are all equal like all men.

    You should also note we are not nor ever were a democracy. The list of
    anti democracy quotes are rather long.
    moot. In the past when we have had three or four parties they all got
    equal time, everywhere. The no long have that option since the two big
    parties have begun to push the weight around.
    my problem is that it's aquision of power for powers sake. Not yours
    or mine or my neighbor down the street. Power corrupts and absolute
    power currupts abslolutly.
    it wasn't as bad as you make it sound. Yes there were robber barons.
    but, that also was caused by a pooling of power. Unless the power is
    left in the hands of the people it will begin to "pool" around whoever
    can snatch it fastest. yeah i'm a cynic about everything.
    no they won't. I have certain advantages here. I deal with russions.
    My church is russian. I understand the slavonic mind. To a russian,
    it's those who can't control themselves and be happy with life as it
    is that cause the problems. (very simplified). The russians do have an
    eastern mindset that they developed from byzatine. It's not based in
    science, or power, or money but living in harmony with everything.As
    they have lost that and become more western their society has begun to
    collapse. Many of them upon comming back here from visiting family
    over there have said the same things. People are looking to go back
    and are very upset with western ideaology.
    also a mistaken position. In the eastern thought process it's polite
    to say yes while doing it your own way. So you see one thing and they
    are doing another.
    agreed. There it's mass graves, rapes, and the stealing of relief from
    other countries to pay for guns and ammo for the warlords.
    actually isreal is a "new" country. Was established in 1968. and they
    displaced (nice word for killed and forced the locals to move) the
    people living there (that would be the palastiens)
    joe, May 9, 2009
  2. Jim Higgins

    Licker Guest

    Someone wrote: "First, 12 years ago i was a offset printer (i've since had
    2 pounds of surgical steel wrapped around my spine so i can't do it anymore)
    and when someone brought up unions my first question was " what about those
    of us who decide not to join even though the union may get implimented?"
    That question still hasn't been answered. (yeah i admit it i'm an anarchist.
    I believe that each community should decide on what is best for itself, no
    state or federal overlords needed) So if someone wants to be in a union,
    sure go for it, but don't drag me along."

    I guess the answer to that would be depending on what state you live in. 22
    states have a right to work. Right to work you are not required to join the
    union to work there. The other states require you to join if the shop is
    Licker, May 10, 2009
  3. Not quite so simple, but this is suppose be a car group. And of course you
    meant 1948, not 68.

    Dori A Schmetterling, May 10, 2009
  4. Jim Higgins

    Miles Guest

    There needs to be a balance between the needs of the business and the
    needs of the workers. When either side tips the balance their way
    problems exist. A greedy union can gain too much power and destroy a
    company just as much as a greedy business owner.
    Miles, May 10, 2009
  5. Jim Higgins

    joe Guest

    i hate the number keys, yes it was 1948 (had to chicken peck that)
    and nothing is ever "that" simple. But i was trying to keep as simple
    as i could without writing a novel.
    joe, May 14, 2009
  6. Jim Higgins

    joe Guest

    My point exactly.
    joe, May 14, 2009
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