Repair manual needed for Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.5 Turbo Diesel (1996 model)

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by Asle Eriksen, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. Asle Eriksen

    Asle Eriksen Guest


    Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

    I've been looking for a repair manual for my
    Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.5 Turbo Diesel. 1996 model.

    Most people point me towards the following Haynes manual:

    Dodge Caravan, Plymouth Voyager and Chrysler Town and
    Country Mini-vans (96 - 02)
    (Book No: 30011 ISBN: 1 56392 469 2)

    But Haynes also writes the following about this title:

    "PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are intended for petrol engine
    cars (except where diesel is specifically mentioned) built to US

    Anyone got a book they would like to recomend?
    Or have the Haynes manual, and find it useful even though they
    own a european diesel model?

    Thanks in advance.

    Asle Eriksen
    Asle Eriksen, Jun 16, 2004
  2. Asle Eriksen

    Fredrik Guest


    I just got the order number for Chrysler's repair manual for the 1999
    Voyager family:


    This is an english CD covering all Voyagers of 1999. Your 1996 is
    probably covered in a similar CD, but that one may be out of stock (they
    weren't sure the 1999 version was available). The 1999 manual shouldn't
    be too different from yours. Here in Sweden they charge 1474 kr (SEK,
    some $160 USD) for it...

    The Haynes book doesn't cover maula gearboxex or clutches (I know - my
    gearbox is falling apart and I hav no maual - yet). I'm not going to
    give you a copy of the CD, but if you like, I can give you a screensot
    or two so you can see if it's worth the money.

    /Fredrik (fredrik, bjork over at VarbergEnergi in SE - I believe you can
    figure my email address out...)
    Fredrik, Jun 17, 2004
  3. Asle Eriksen

    Asle Eriksen Guest


    I'll check it out, but it seems a bit expensive.
    Do you know if the rest of the Haynes manual is
    usable for the european diesel?

    I'm thinking about electrical diagrams, brake systems etc...


    PS: I've also replied to you on e-mail.
    Asle Eriksen, Jun 17, 2004
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