question - bolts and car computers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kendra, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. kendra

    kendra Guest

    We were in the processing of removing the bolt that holds the plug which
    goes into the computer...when the end it screws into came out w/ it. Now we
    can't get it off. The plug will go into the new computer really snug but of
    course it can't be bolted. Is this bad? Should I get the old one cut? Advice
    in the next hour or so would be awesome :)
    kendra, Jun 25, 2004
  2. Yep. The screw is needed -- the plug will NOT stay in on its own through
    heat/cold cycling and with road vibration, that's why the nut/bolt is

    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 25, 2004
  3. kendra

    kendra Guest

    i was afraid of that..

    kendra, Jun 25, 2004
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