PT Cruiser - Rear Passenger Window Tube????

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by jcd_columbus, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. jcd_columbus

    jcd_columbus Guest

    I was in Phoenix, AZ recently and noticed that all the PT Cruisers
    there have some kind of device on the rear passenger window that looks
    like a metal box with a clear plastic tube (about 1" diameter) sticking
    out of it. What is this?

    jcd_columbus, Jun 28, 2005
  2. jcd_columbus

    L, not -L Guest

    How hot was it there; over 100f in the shade? Perhaps it was a device to
    vent the hot air that builds up in a parked car; something similar to the
    Auto Turbo Vent. Take a look, what you saw is probably just another way to
    do it:
    L, not -L, Jun 28, 2005
  3. jcd_columbus

    jcd_columbus Guest

    It was 105-114f high each day. I considered that they may be vents,
    although much more low-tech then the one depicted in the link. Just
    found it strange that I only encountered it on PT Cruisers....

    Thanks for the response!
    jcd_columbus, Jun 28, 2005
  4. jcd_columbus

    L, not -L Guest

    Perhaps a dealer promotion; buy a PT in summer, get free vent or some such.
    That would explain why PT and why all the same style. Wish you had a pic,
    I'd like to see what you described.
    L, not -L, Jun 28, 2005
  5. Those are the male cruisers. ;-)

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 29, 2005
  6. jcd_columbus

    M. Blomquist Guest

    It might have been a new design of old technology, an evaporative cooler.
    The dry desert air would really make these things work well, and save a lot
    of $$$ in gas. I haven't seen any such thing on the PT's here in Tucson.
    M. Blomquist, Jun 29, 2005
  7. jcd_columbus

    David Guest

    I find it strange also. I live in Phoenix, and have not seen any! Are you
    talking about the ones on the dealers lot? If so, those are cheap vents they
    keep on most of the vehicles in the summer, so the interiors are not cooking
    hot. They take them out when they sell the cars.
    David, Jun 29, 2005
  8. jcd_columbus

    jcd_columbus Guest

    A Co-Worker mentioned seeing something strange on the PT's in downtown
    Phoenix. I wasn't able to correlate at that time, but that evening,
    there were two parked in the resort parking lot, wihch enabled me to
    get a closer look. I looked all over online, but didn't see anything
    for sale under "PT Cruiser" AND "plastic tube," or "PT Cruiser" AND
    "Snorkel." Possibly an anomaly, but figured I'd poke around and see if
    I could determine what they were....

    Further description - Metal box with a 1" diameter, clear plastic tube
    sticking out. Hangs off the rear, passenger side window.
    jcd_columbus, Jun 29, 2005
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