
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TNKEV, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. TNKEV

    TNKEV Guest

    OK aarcuda69062,I am an idiot I know nothing about a vehicle,I whored out
    the job as you say,I lied,I cheated,I feel better,can we get over
    it now?dont you have work to do?
    TNKEV, Mar 14, 2005
  2. TNKEV

    maxpower Guest

    You are wasting your time with that asshole, if you go thru all the replies
    he has made. 90% of them are trying to argue with someone. He has no life at
    maxpower, Mar 14, 2005
  3. TNKEV

    TNKEV Guest

    I am finding that out Mr.Power,I don't know if you have Service writers or
    advisors where you work, but it is my job to speak to people every
    day,sometimes people just have a bad day and others ......well there are
    some who just don't play well with big deal.
    TNKEV, Mar 14, 2005
  4. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Funny, as an asshole, I enjoy quite a bit of off group
    correspondence with long time participants in this group.
    I suppose it might seem that way to someone who doesn't venture
    very far from two newsgroups, but that's your problem, not mine.
    Should I abstain from posting just so you can send people on wild
    goose chases?
    Would you then achieve the glory that you seek?
    aarcuda69062, Mar 15, 2005
  5. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    I don't have anything to get over...
    .... how you deal with your actions is your problem.
    heh-heh... My work gets done, and I do it without BSing other
    shops customers into thinking that they're getting a screw job.
    aarcuda69062, Mar 15, 2005
  6. TNKEV

    Guest Guest

    Have you ever checked the pH of fresh prestone and distilled water? It
    is NOT out of the ordinary for it to be off by several points from
    ideal, right out of the can. Too high PH scales up the rad, and often
    takes out seals. Too low pH corrodes metals. I always had a couple
    bottles of buffer and a pHep around to test coolant with.
    Guest, Mar 15, 2005
  7. TNKEV

    Bob Shuman Guest

    No never checked the PH of fresh mix and don't know what ideal number would
    be although as I recall the scale went from 1 to 13 with 7 being neutral and
    lower numbers being acidic and higher being alkaline/basic. (Chemistry
    class was a lot of years ago so excuse me if I have it wrong .. it does not
    change the pertinent facts) BTW, I also never had any type of corrosion
    problem with any engine like I saw on the back side of that cover either
    though. I still think the use of the two dissimilar metals in this
    application is an invitation for the nasty oxidation and surface pitting I
    saw. Prestone bottle had the corrosion protection and safe for aluminum
    hyped all over it though ...

    Bob Shuman, Mar 15, 2005
  8. TNKEV

    TNKEV Guest

    I just take things day to day,I'll be alright.
    I am sure your work does get done.

    no BS was needed,facts is facts,I saved him a couple hundred bucks,more
    groceries for his kids.
    TNKEV, Mar 15, 2005
  9. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    I just take things day to day,I'll be alright.[/QUOTE]

    I'm sure you will. That customer however, the one that lives 50
    miles away, well, someday he's going to need service locally
    because your dealership is too far or because you're closed...
    .... after the screwing that Barry got, maybe he and the other
    shops in the area won't be so receptive to have him as a customer.
    Seen it plenty of times, yo-yo customers get shunned like the
    Yeah, half the facts, the other half is; you either didn't know
    or lied about the reason for the cam sprocket removal, and yes
    I'm sure you saved him money, but at what expense?
    I really expect that you're too young to understand.
    aarcuda69062, Mar 15, 2005
  10. TNKEV

    TNKEV Guest

    I'm sure you will. That customer however, the one that lives 50
    miles away, well, someday he's going to need service locally
    because your dealership is too far or because you're closed...
    ... after the screwing that Barry got, maybe he and the other
    shops in the area won't be so receptive to have him as a customer.
    Seen it plenty of times, yo-yo customers get shunned like the

    like I said before, he promised to never go so a side of the road garage
    if he breaks down and is in need of service and too far from here, dems the

    just as I expected from you more assumptions.

    I assume you are a grumpy old mechanic and you probably argue with everyone
    you have a conversation with,
    you probably also need to refill your meds.
    TNKEV, Mar 15, 2005
  11. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Your words don't mean squat.
    First it was; we'll fix it for half of the $870 that barry was
    charging, then it became "we saved him $200."
    The longer this goes on, the more comical it becomes.
    Yeah, "dems the breaks." Nice attitude.
    Any wonder that people don't trust dealerships?
    Nope, no assumptions.
    You've left quite a few tracks to follow.
    No, not really. Liars and incompetents, absolutely.
    You should probably stick to Nintendo, child.
    aarcuda69062, Mar 15, 2005
  12. TNKEV

    TNKEV Guest

    go back and read,we did the repair for half,he had to pay the tow.
    following tracks............and from those "tracks" you........I would have
    to say assume that I am a youngster.
    I have never given anyone my age on usenet,so yes you assume I am
    that a little easier to understand
    or do we need a definition of *assume*from websters
    and you probably assume that everyone you meet is an incompetant liar,by
    reading your previous posts to
    this group you are only here to keep maxpower from sending people on wild
    goose chases,so I would
    assume you think you know is hard to be competant when surrounded by
    I love Nintendo.........and so do my kids.and by that comment I assume you
    think only kids play Nintendo
    you are wrong,the average age of a video gamer is 24
    (here is a hint)I am much older than that.
    I understand you are a person who feels that you must have the last word so
    I will read your reply but will not respond.
    I am done playing my keyboard to watch you dance, so flame away.........bye
    crotchety old man.
    TNKEV, Mar 15, 2005
  13. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Yup, sure.
    Quote the job via a phone call and then find out there was more
    labor involved. I'm betting he got the 'phone call', or someone
    lost their ass on the job.
    Lots of definitions of "young."
    Nope, not at all. That doesn't mean I can't spot one when he
    That makes you as stupid as he is.
    Hardly. But don't you find it curious that I knew what was wrong
    with that car before you did and I hadn't talked to anyone
    Why? Is giving up easier?
    No, I think idiots waste their time with such childish pursuits.
    Surprise, so is the average age of an idiot.
    Okay, well, excuse me while I laugh...
    heh-heh... You think you've had me dancing?
    Looks like you have trouble separating reality from fantasy.
    It's probably the Nintendo.

    Tell R.C. I said hello.
    aarcuda69062, Mar 15, 2005
  14. TNKEV

    maxpower Guest

    you think?
    maxpower, Mar 16, 2005
  15. TNKEV

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Well, finally we know who does the thinking for this pair.
    aarcuda69062, Mar 16, 2005
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