Need good price on rim centerpiece!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TOM KAN PA, Aug 17, 2004.


    TOM KAN PA Guest

    I have a 2001 PT with the factory Chrome Plated Rims. I lost the center piece.
    It's a plastic disk about as big as an old silver dollar. $27.10 from a dealer.
    Any idea where I can get a better price on this item.
    Also, in about 500 miles, I "need" to have the spark plugs replaced and the
    power steering fluid changed. The dealer wants $115 labor to change the plugs
    and $75 to change the power steering fluid. This seems pricey. And why does the
    power steering fluid need to be changed?
    And no, I won't consider changing the plugs myself. They also said I could
    bring my own plugs. Any brand reccomended for better mpg?
    TOM KAN PA, Aug 17, 2004
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