My '89 Chrysler New Yorker looses power in hot weather

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tuxster, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Tuxster

    Tuxster Guest

    Hi group,

    I was hoping someone could me help me with this problem.

    I drive a 1989 Chrysler New Yorker that's in really, really good
    condition physical and mechnical condition for a car this old. I'm
    only the 3rd owner. The first owners were proverbial Sunday drivers,
    the second a mechanic who used it as a "loaner" car, and now me. So,
    suffice it to say, the car's been well taken care of. However, a
    problem has now cropped up.

    Whenever it gets hot outside -- say upper 70s or hotter -- after
    riding for a while, be it city or highway driving, the car starts to
    suddenly loose power and then it totally dies. We have to pull over
    to the side of the road for an hour or two to let the engine cool off,
    before we can get back home. It doesn't do this everytime, just
    periodically. In other words, I can't predict when it's going to
    happen when we're on the road.

    Has anyone ever heard of such a problem? What could be causing this?

    Again, the car is in very good condition and has been well
    maintained. It's scary because this has happened on the highway,
    which I know is rather dangerous.

    I appreciate any help or insight you're able to give.



    (p.s., I've already had a new fuel filter and pump and other fuel-
    related stuff put in, so that waasn't the problem.)

    (p.p.s., Oh, also, I wasn't running the A/C at the time of these
    engine cut-offs.)
    Tuxster, Apr 25, 2007
  2. Tuxster

    maxpower Guest

    If it slowly looses power and dies as you say, your gonna have to do a fuel
    pump pressure test on it as the conditions to cause the problem are there.
    If you have the pressure tested when the problem is not occurring it will
    not show up and run you around in cycles if this is the problem. What about
    the check engine it on ?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Apr 25, 2007
  3. Tuxster

    Steve B. Guest

    Next time it does it try removing the fuel cap and see if you get a
    big whoosh and then are able to restart. I have seen problems before
    where the evap system fails and the fuel pump ends up drawing a vacuum
    on the tank after running a while.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Apr 26, 2007
  4. Tuxster

    Ron Seiden Guest

    If it's got a carburetor, it could be vapor lock. Check to see how the fuel
    line is routed through the engine compartment. If it runs anywhere near the
    exhaust manifold, or if it's tucked in tight to the block before it goes in
    to the carb, the fuel could be starting to boil in the line. Also, if the
    hood sits down tight over the carb/air filter, heat could be building up
    around the carb (I had an old Mustang with this problem). Next time it
    happens, try pulling off the air filter and wrapping some wet rags around
    the carb body.
    Ron Seiden, Apr 26, 2007
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