LeBaron Convertible Top Motor

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by Bill Martin, Oct 9, 2003.

  1. Bill Martin

    Bill Martin Guest

    Has anyone had occasion to change out the motor which raises/lowers the
    convertible top on a '94 LeBaron? It drives an attached hydraulic pump which
    does the actual work. I'd rather not accidentally fill the trunk with
    hydraulic fluid while changing it if there's a way to do this right. And are
    there any tricks necessary to bleed the system after replacement or is it
    self bleeding? My car manual talks at length about engines and such, but no
    mention is made of the convertible top systems.

    Also, has anyone tried to change the brushes in this motor? Chrysler
    naturally wants big bucks for a new unit. They seem to think my old LeBaron
    is a Mercedes now!


    Bill -- (Remove KILLSPAM from my address to use it)
    Bill Martin, Oct 9, 2003
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