Intrepid 2.7 Engine Noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ham, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. ham

    ham Guest

    Our 99 Intrepid 2.7 engine seems to have a small ticking sound in the
    engine. Usually when you step on the gas a little or put it down to pass..
    seems fine at idol.
    Anyone else experience this and know a fix other than tearing the top end
    It has 160,000 KMs on it.
    ham, Feb 21, 2005
  2. ham

    Bill Putney Guest

    Could be lots of things that I will list below.

    At that mileage, it may be valve train wear, or the timing chain could
    be worn and making the noise. If that slips more than a couple of teeth
    or breaks, there will be expensive damage. You need to determine if
    that is the problem. I don't known if there is a way to determine that
    without going into it in which case, with this mileage, if you do go in,
    you might as well replace the chain, guide, tensioner, and water pump.
    Several hundred dollar job. (One philosophy might be to avoid the
    expense and sell it now, or take your chances and drive unless and until
    it self destructs - then make the decision to sell or junk it or replace
    the engine at that time. I see over on forums
    that 2.7L cores are selling for $400 - high demand due to sludge related

    Also, as you may know, this engine is prone to sludging under less than
    ideal conditions. However, since it has gone this long, yours seems to
    have done OK without serious sludging (probably highway miles combined
    with good routine maintenance). The noise may be due to some dirt or
    clogging of a valve lifter (lash adjuster). I would do a controlled,
    gradual cleanout by doing an oil change and putting 1/4 qt. of Marvel
    Mystery Oil or Sea Foam in the crankcase. Change oil and filter again
    at 1000 miles , again adding 1/4 MMO or Sea Foam. Repeat again at 2000
    miles, then again at 3000 miles. Continue with oil and filter changes
    every 3000 miles. Notice filter gets changed and MMO or Sea Foam gets
    put in at every oil change. Do not use a "sudden" Rislone type flush.
    Doing so could release 160,000 km's of accumulation and prove fatal to
    the engine.

    I will say also that on the forums I have seen
    many similar complaints in which it was eventually reported by the OP
    that a worn serpentine belt or tensioner mimicked internal engine noise,
    and that replacing one or more of those items got rid of the noise.


    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Feb 21, 2005
  3. ham

    tdodge Guest

    i agree with bill's response. this engine is well known for sludging and
    most likely that the timing chain is making the noise. i've seen it many
    times that that the chain is rubbing against the water pump. if timing
    chains needs to be replace you should also repalce timing chain tensioner,
    water pump and all the guides.
    tdodge, Feb 21, 2005
  4. ham

    ham Guest

    Great info....Thanks guys...will look into your suggestions.
    Thanks Again
    ham, Feb 21, 2005
  5. ham

    Steve Guest

    I'd suspect the chain also, but if the sound is dependent on the engine
    LOAD, not just speed, it might be as simple as an exhaust leak. Exhaust
    leaks often sound like "ticks," and are usually mistaken for valve train
    noise. The difference is that valve train noise changes with engine
    speed regardless of load, but an exhaust leak will get louder when the
    engine is under a load.
    Steve, Feb 21, 2005
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