Follow up - vibration problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by KWS, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. KWS

    KWS Guest

    I posted a problem a few weeks back regarding a vibration in the '96 T&C
    that came on sort of suddenly and was most evident on acceleration. One of
    the responses was that it appeared to be symptomatic of a bad CV joint.

    That observation was a bull's-eye. The right axle, inner CV joint had failed
    in such a way that it didn't visually appear to be bad. Once removed from
    the van, however, it was apparent that the "in/out" movement was quite
    restricted. I could not compress it enough to fit it easily into the box for
    the core return.

    Thanks to the poster who provided the great advice.

    KWS, Feb 4, 2005
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