Failing Air Compressor? 200 Concorde Lsi

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by John Gregory, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. John Gregory

    John Gregory Guest

    Last week, I noticed a soft whirling sound - very soft - in my 2000 Concorde
    3.2. I traced it to the air compressor. I think. Today I turned on the air
    and noticed it didn't hit me with the blast of cold air it usually does. The
    first thing I thought of was a compressor bearing/bushing gone bad. That
    would explain the noise. and a loss of Freon.

    So I started to read my factory service manual (not the owners guide). When
    I saw the test involved and the electronics, I decided this may be a sensor
    (or something other than a bearing) gone bad.

    From this admittedly weak description, can anyone give me the most likely
    probably cause? If possible, I'd like to do the work myself but I'll take it
    to Chrysler for a diagnosis if necessary.
    John Gregory, Oct 6, 2005
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