?? Does the "Tornado fuel saver" really work ???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jp, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Jp

    Jp Guest

    I have this thing on my car, but don't really know if it really works. I've
    read here somewhere on the internet that it restricts air flow and loose
    power but since Im getting about 21.5 MPG in a 94 New Yorker, I dont know if
    I should remove it and see if I get more power and milage or if it is really
    working and leave it there...What do you guys think ?? Thanks.
    Jp, Nov 22, 2003
  2. Jp

    Bob Sacamano Guest

    Yes it does work, why would they lie about it.

    Bob Sacamano, Nov 22, 2003
  3. The ads show that the air goes in by gravity - that is, they
    completely forget to mention that in a normal engine, the
    air is pulled into the engine, so how it gets there is moot -
    it will pull as much as it needs.

    The only way to deal with this is to either make it more dense
    (turbocharger/intercooler) or to move lots more of it(supercharger).

    A piece of spinning aluminum isn't going to do anything unless your
    engine is completely worn out and not developing pressure - in which
    case, you have bigger problems.

    OTOH, replacing your computer chip does make a difference as most
    OEM ones are set to run as lean as possible for emissions.
    Joseph Oberlander, Nov 22, 2003
  4. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Air is most certainly *not* "pulled" into an engine.
    Are you suggesting that there is a difference between the two?
    That "not developing pressure" part, is that what "pulls" air
    into the engine?
    Might be a true statement -if- discussing a vehicle from the
    early-mid 70s, certainly not true for a 94 Chrysler New Yorker,
    but then very few vehicles from the early-mid 70s actually *had*
    any sort of computer chip, so it's anyones guess what you're
    attempting to describe here.
    Neil Nelson, Nov 22, 2003
  5. Jp

    Mike Hall Guest

    Surely at standstill, as the pistons do the downstroke, air is 'pulled'
    (sucked, if you prefer) in behind them..

    The ad shows the bottle and water trick.. one has to wonder whether air
    really shows the same physical properties, allowing for the fact that auto
    intakes have joins and bends in them that are guaranteed to create eddy's..

    I would sooner spend the money on wind deflectors for side windows.. being a
    smoker, it is useful to have windows down slightly while minimizing the
    amount of rain that can enter.. prolly does little for the drag coefficient,
    and increases the A pillar blind spot coverage..
    Mike Hall, Nov 22, 2003
  6. Can't you compare the results to the 94 Lumina you posted the exact same
    question on in alt.trucks.chevy?
    David L. Price, Nov 22, 2003
  7. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Actually, no, and anyone who believes it so needs to go back and
    review their automotive theory basics.
    I wasn't debating the merits of the whirly-gig snake oil device.
    Steve Lacker gave a full scientific on why these things and those
    like it are absolute horse manure.
    Neil Nelson, Nov 22, 2003
  8. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Was the tip off the fact that he cites 21.5 mpg for both vehicles?
    Neil Nelson, Nov 22, 2003
  9. Jp

    Rick Merrill Guest

    or their physics: it is the side that Creates the pressure
    difference that actually does the "work". So while it is
    the higher pressure outside that pushes the air, it is the
    lower pressure in the intake cycle piston that expends the
    energy (does work). - RM
    Rick Merrill, Nov 22, 2003
  10. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    That's like saying that 'it's my empty kitchen sink that causes
    water to come out of the faucet.'
    Neil Nelson, Nov 22, 2003
  11. Jp

    Rick Merrill Guest

    Ixnay, the sink supplies no energy, in fact it absorbs some from
    the falling water.
    Rick Merrill, Nov 22, 2003
  12. Jp

    Rick Blaine Guest

    Please elaborate, oh great one.
    Rick Blaine, Nov 23, 2003
  13. He's being a smartass. In short, he's saying that you can only pull (or
    suck) air
    from a closed system, such as a pressure vessel. With an engine intake open
    atmosphere, it can't "suck" or "pull" air because at the same time that one
    of the engine is taking air in, the other end is expelling it, so in
    actually all an engine
    is is a sort of air pump.

    What this ignores of course is that the word "suction" is extremely loosly
    used and
    as such in a non-technical discussion it's pretty much equally valid. For
    if you look at air conditioning systems, the refrigerant lines are labeled
    and "suction" oftentimes, even though an A/C refrigerant system is basically
    refrigerant pump same as an engine.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 23, 2003
  14. Jp

    Art Begun Guest

    That is the same mileage I got on my 94 LHS without any stupid
    Art Begun, Nov 23, 2003
  15. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Your opinion, wrong as it may be.
    I've said no such thing at all.
    Sure is.
    Who decided this was a non-technical discussion?
    A refrigerant system is a closed system, an internal combustion
    engine sich as used on a modern automobile, is not.

    Sad that so many here do not know what a pressure differential is.
    Neil Nelson, Nov 26, 2003
  16. Jp

    Rick Blaine Guest

    Sad that so many here do not know what a pressure differential is.
    I guess many here are just not as smart as you, oh wise one.
    Rick Blaine, Nov 26, 2003
  17. Yes you have you idiot. From an earlier posting of yours in rec.autos.tech,
    5-17-2003, Message-ID:

    "...Depends on the criteria. The amount of air PUMPED would be the same, the
    between the two conditions would be different..."

    Now quit being a jackass.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 26, 2003
  18. Why don't you explain it for us all?

    Matthew S. Whiting, Nov 26, 2003
  19. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    My comment: "I've said no such thing at all" in my previous post
    relates to the contents of the entire paragraph that it was meant
    to answer. (i.e., this thread) If you feel the need to pick and
    choose little snippets of text, by all means, show us how
    desperate you are.

    Oh, wait.... 'Googling' back 6 months to a totally different
    thread has already done that.

    Sorry, that would be the person who thinks that air is
    "sucked" into an engine.
    They get the same classification as people who refer to
    electricity and/or electrical current as "juice."

    Actually Ted, were it not for the fact that you're a nobody, I
    might actually feel flattered.
    Neil Nelson, Nov 26, 2003
  20. Jp

    Neil Nelson Guest

    I have, many times on usenet.

    If you don't know how to 'google', ask Ted for some instructions.

    Hell, you might even stumble across some totally irrelevant text
    that you may find handy at some point.
    Neil Nelson, Nov 26, 2003
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