crankshaft damper stuck with crankshaft sprocket

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by magickarle, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Hi, I got an issue:
    I got a stratus es 1996 2.5 V6 AC.
    I need to change the water pump.
    So I'm @ removing the crankshaft damper pulley but the freaking thing
    is stuck to the sprocket. ASA I pull the pulley, I can see from
    underneath the timing belt, the bearing and the sprocket being pulled
    off with the damper.
    Now I don't want to pull the whole thing @ one since I don't want
    to screw-up the timing between the two camshafts.
    So, should I give a big bang with a huge hammer on the darn thing loll?
    PLZ help

    magickarle, Aug 24, 2006
  2. magickarle

    maxpower Guest

    Why not set the timing up at the proper marks (top dead center) even if you
    have to put a dab of paint on the sprockets in case they move. Then remove
    the pulley and separate the sprocket once it is off?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler tech
    maxpower, Aug 24, 2006
  3. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    The problem is the timing belt is in the cover and I don't have full
    access to timing belt (So I can't mark it yet)
    The only cover I was able to remove it the top-right which shows only
    one of the camshaft sprockets

    maxpower a écrit :
    magickarle, Aug 24, 2006
  4. magickarle

    maxpower Guest

    The problem is the timing belt is in the cover and I don't have full
    access to timing belt (So I can't mark it yet)
    The only cover I was able to remove it the top-right which shows only
    one of the camshaft sprockets

    maxpower a écrit :
    If the 2 cam shafts pulley's are lined up at TDC then the bottom will be
    lined up at TDC also. If it moves on you before you get it apart you can
    look at the arrow and set it back when you are getting ready to set the
    belt. I know what you are talking about I have seen this so many times and
    broke covers before because it would not separate

    maxpower, Aug 24, 2006
  5. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Hi, what I had to do is remove the timing belt directly from the
    Before doing it, I've marked the belt, camshaft n the motor so I'll be
    able to align all 3.
    Once the crankshaft damper was removed, I got access to the last couple
    of bolt to slack the upper right n left timing belt cover, removed the
    tensioner pulley and voila: got access to the water pump. MY GOAL
    Now I think the hardest part is to come: put everything back lolll!

    Is the sprocket press inserted in the damper? The darn thing doesn't
    want to separate agrrr.
    I would like to separate them so it's easier to reinstall n align the
    timing belt.
    I was thinking of torching the crankshaft and cold freezing the
    sprocket with an air compressed can (upside down, it shoots pure liquid
    azotes hehe!)
    Any suggestion?
    I've purchased a 3 jaw puller and a harmonic balancer for nothing. I
    think I'll return them.
    Is crankshaft damper and harmonic balancer the same? Why the different
    magickarle, Aug 25, 2006
  6. magickarle

    maxpower Guest

    The sprocket is not pressed on. it just slides on and off. A puller would
    probably get it off but will damage it.

    maxpower, Aug 25, 2006
  7. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Hum... then I'm wondering why it's so stuck. Might be rust.
    Then how should I allign the timing belt on the sprocket if the
    crankshaft damper is in the way?
    thanks a million for your help!
    magickarle, Aug 25, 2006
  8. magickarle

    maxpower Guest

    I have no idea what kind of tools you have access to, a bearing separator
    would work as I have used in the past. Im sure if you need to get it off you
    will find a way to do it. I would suggest soaking it really good with
    penetrating oil
    maxpower, Aug 25, 2006
  9. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    I saw Kano Kroil is very good @ it.
    How a bearing separator could help me in pulling the sprocket from the
    The only knotch I can see on the sprocket is the the one that keeps the
    timing belt in place on the sprocket
    magickarle, Aug 25, 2006
  10. magickarle

    maxpower Guest

    maxpower, Aug 25, 2006
  11. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    I've seen it before but the sprocket "groove" is not thick enough to
    support the pull effect and I think it would break.
    Man it's sooo frustrating!!
    The water pump is installed but still the sprocket doesn't want to get
    out of the damper.
    I've tried with a 3 jaws puller and it broke part of the outer "grove"
    (because the groove is not thick enough for the pull pression)
    I've tried torching it but I think I need something more powerful than
    a propane torch
    Tried to hit it with a rubber hammer after soaking it in light oil,
    didn't move a bit.
    I think what I'll do is screw a thick O ring then use it with the 3
    jaw puller.
    Any other suggestions?
    magickarle, Aug 30, 2006
  12. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    I've seen it before but the sprocket "groove" is not thick enough to
    support the pull effect and I think it would break.
    Man it's sooo frustrating!!
    The water pump is installed but still the sprocket doesn't want to get
    out of the damper.
    I've tried with a 3 jaws puller and it broke part of the outer "grove"
    (because the groove is not thick enough for the pull pression)
    I've tried torching it but I think I need something more powerful than
    a propane torch
    Tried to hit it with a rubber hammer after soaking it in light oil,
    didn't move a bit.
    I think what I'll do is screw a thick washer then use it with the 3
    jaw puller.
    Any other suggestions?
    magickarle, Aug 30, 2006
  13. magickarle

    Dipstick Guest left yourself wide open here. Sounds like a great idea to
    Dipstick, Aug 31, 2006
  14. magickarle

    Bill Putney Guest

    Umm - yeah - if you're going to do that, use the right size o-ring and
    some K-Y. :)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 31, 2006
  15. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Funny guy loll. I guess it could have sound sexual.
    Bill Putney a écrit :
    magickarle, Sep 1, 2006
  16. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Finely the procket gave-up after.
    Sat one day in sprayon S00103 and it pop-up this morning. This stuff is
    Now I got another problem: the timing belt cover is still on the
    camshaft. It's stuck between accessorie pulley and the camshaft.
    The accessorie pulley got some rear bolt that I'm not able to reach.
    I would like not to destroy the cover but if I need to, no choice.
    Any ideas guys?
    magickarle, Sep 3, 2006

  17. get a repair manual for the year and make vehicle you are working on,
    and follow the procedure- there will be a step by step method to do it-
    if you just jump in without reading the procedure first, you risk
    breaking something- or spending a lot of labor and aggravation trying
    to get something off, that needs a special tool or technique and comes
    off quite easily
    duty-honor-country, Sep 3, 2006
  18. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    ohh I got the manual all right but you know how it goes:" remove bolt
    1 2 3, and remove the cover.
    Wright!! Remove cover; how the hell can you remove a cover when it's
    stuck between an accessories pulley (that can't be removed since there
    are 2 bolts unreachable) and the camshaft (the right one)
    Well, I just toke a crow bar and crack the dam thing. I was able to set
    the cam n crank to TDC, reinstalled the timing belt, did 3-4 manual
    full crankshaft revolution, compared the marks to make sure I didn't
    take inconsideration the timing belt slack (and the marks were wright
    on the spot), put everything else in place (except the dam covers), put
    new oil (since it was needed) and new prestone
    And voila: cars turns on and no problem to start.
    Acceleration A1. Just some noise on the serpentine belt (was a bit
    slack n a small adjustment removed the noise)

    Do I really need the covers? I know it's better so the timing belt is
    not subject to nature element. Do you think it would be enough is I
    install a full cover under the car so water, rocks etc couldn't get
    into the belts?

    magickarle, Sep 4, 2006
  19. magickarle

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Charlie Nudo, aka , should be put on your
    kill file list. He is a troll, and since you are in Europe, he wants
    to try to prove that Euros are stupid. In reality, he's the stupid
    It would be nice to have the covers on just for the reason stated.
    But, as you found out, the cover is a problem for installation on
    DeserTBoB, Sep 4, 2006
  20. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    hum.. i'm not in europe, I'm in montreal/quebec

    DeserTBoB a écrit :
    magickarle, Sep 5, 2006
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