Hi guys. Finaly I've found the problem on my '95 Cirrus. (big thanks Ted, chrysler should really consider you, if it's not already done, you were right on the money;) ) It was the crankshaft position sensor. I've replaced it and there is spark. Problem is the engine still won't start. I've checked the fuel pressure and it's good. Also, the sparkplugs are a bit wet, so I'm thinking flooded engine. I've taken out the sparkplugs and i'll wait untill tomorow to try again. From what I know the engine only needs Spark, Fuel and Timing. I have the first two, tomorow I'll check the third one. I've did a code check on the engine and I'm getting error 24, the throttle sensor. However, if I'm right, the engine should start anyways, regardless. Crankshaft sensor was replaced, and the camshaft sensor should also be good since I'm getting sparks and the distributor it's good, as it's inside the distributor) I'll also check the compression tomorow, but I doubt it (and I hope it's not). I hope it's the timing. The belt it's ok, but maybe it's missaligned. (I had to take it out , I had to change my water pump also). I've alligned it as per haynes manual. However, maybe I did a mistake and it's misaligned. Anybody knows any other possible causes as to why the engine won't even try starting? (it cranks, but no sign of wanting to start). any help or guess is much appreciated. thanks. ps: sorry for the spelling.