Chrysler to Cut Dodge Nitro or Jeep Liberty by End of 2012 (

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by admin, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. admin

    admin Guest

    Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Chrysler LLC, the third-largest U.S. automaker, will eliminate either the Dodge Nitro or Jeep Liberty sport-utility vehicle by the end of 2012, according to a sales executive.
    admin, Sep 4, 2008
  2. admin

    rob Guest

    good riddance to the Nitro....ugly damn thing
    rob, Sep 4, 2008
  3. admin

    C-BODY Guest

    I hope they will have enough plant utilization with just two products in
    there to make it a viable plant operation! I highly suspect that many
    "sales executives" have no comprehension of how much production volume a
    particular plant might need to "break even" and pay for itself. IF they
    had a better handle on that issue, they might do more to promote their
    products rather than annouce they will be cut and further de-motivate
    people to consider them for purchase!

    Then, too, that'll probably be the end of their product life cycle (by
    design, when the tooling will need to be changed due to age and use
    cycles). Seems that when sales executives "talk" about future plant
    closings or product "ends", such future evens usually will coincide with
    the end of the vehicle's product life cycle. The announcement sounds
    like they are taking measures to tighten their belts when the product
    cuts at those plants were scripted when the products were introduced.

    C-BODY, Sep 7, 2008
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