caliper bushings - 85 lebaron

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by mark french, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. mark french

    mark french Guest

    anybody know who sells these? The bushing that the caliper pin goes thru? I
    put on new shoes and pads on both front brakes but noticed that the bushings
    have basically turned to a gooey gummy consistency and they need to be
    replaced. thanks..Mark
    mark french, Sep 6, 2003
  2. mark french

    Rick Blaine Guest

    It maybe time to install rebuilt calipers. They aren't very expensive.
    Rick Blaine, Sep 7, 2003
  3. mark french

    GAlan Guest

    Don't forget the anti-rattle springs that go on the upper,
    outboard corner of the calipers. (Only on single pin calipers.)
    Same goes for the ones that go on one end of each brake pad.

    Someone probably used the wrong type of grease on your
    bushings. There should be either no grease used or a
    specific type of grease that won't turn them to goo.

    Check the pins for roughness, and if there's any, get
    new pins too.
    GAlan, Mar 7, 2005
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