AC compressor won't run Where is the fuse? Where is the relay? 93 Caravan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The Stewarts, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. The Stewarts

    The Stewarts Guest

    93 Grand Caravan.
    Like some of the other threads here my compressor won't run either.
    100 lbs pressure in the low side.

    I would like to check the fuse that my Chilton Manual says feeds the
    "low speed fan relay" (radiator fan??) and the "compressor clutch
    relay". It is apparently not in the fuse block with the other fuses.
    Where is it?

    If that is the radiator "low speed fan relay", I would think that
    would be a clue as to whether the fuse is ok, but if several relays
    can run that fan then how would I know when it was the "low speed
    relay" that had it turned on?

    Also how do I find that compressor clutch relay?

    The Chilton manual does not show where either the relay or the fuse is


    Gary Stewart
    Reply to group or email (leave out the x-x)
    The Stewarts, Jun 11, 2005
  2. The Stewarts

    jdl Guest

    I was looking at info on a 3.3L, it showed the relay to be in a relay block
    on the passenger side fender-well, if your not sure which relay, match up
    the wiring colors between the diagram and relay under the hood, they
    should match.

    The fuse may be close to the relay block, not sure, but if the gray wire
    at the ac relay is hot, then the fuse is ok. The dark green wire at the ac
    relay is only hot when the low speed relay is energized.
    jdl, Jun 12, 2005
  3. The Stewarts

    kmatheson Guest

    Also, make sure that the refrigerant is not low. A sensor near the
    firewall will prevent the clutch from engaging when the refrigerant is
    low. You can easily by-pass this sensor to check for this.

    -Kirk Matheson
    kmatheson, Jun 13, 2005
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