99 Cirrus Load Leveler

Discussion in 'Cirrus' started by Gregory N. Latiak, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Is there anything available for the Cirrus that could provide additional
    support on the back end to keep the car level when it is fully loaded? On
    regular highways it is not an issue, but driving on and off steep ferry
    ramps to and from the cottage causes a bit more abuse to the
    muffler/tailpipe then is comfortable. It would be nice to raise the back a
    bit. One used to be able to get air-adjustable shocks. Anything like this
    still available?


    Gregory Latiak
    Technology Strategists, Inc.
    Tel: (416)540-7384
    Images http://members.rogers.com/greglatiak/
    Gregory N. Latiak, Dec 9, 2003
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