95 Caravan 3.3 Rough idle

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ingenium, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. ingenium

    ingenium Guest

    I have been told that a carbon build up causes my car to miss once in awhile at idle speed? Wires/plugs good, car runs great when moving.

    Any ideas?

    ingenium, Sep 16, 2004
  2. ingenium

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Clean the throttle body and this will probably solve your problem.
    I have been told that a carbon build up causes my car to miss once in awhile at idle speed? Wires/plugs good, car runs great when moving.

    Any ideas?

    Bob Shuman, Sep 16, 2004
  3. ingenium

    Dave S Guest

    There's a de-carb cleaner that the dealer sells part# 4318001AB. You let the car warm up, shut it off then spray it down the throttle body to get down into the engine and let it sit for about 10 minutes to remove some of the carbon. Restart the car and takes it for a drive to blow out what the cleaner dissolved.
    I have been told that a carbon build up causes my car to miss once in awhile at idle speed? Wires/plugs good, car runs great when moving.

    Any ideas?

    Dave S, Sep 18, 2004
  4. ingenium

    Peter Guest

    Your oxygen sensor may be bad. Unless you are in California, your check engine light will not come on if the O sensor is bad. This causes the mixture to run rich and causes rough idle, poor gas mileage and carbon build.

    You can check the fault codes stored in the engine controller usingthe check engine light to see if the O sensor is bad ( or any other sensor or actuator). Fault code for O sensor is "51" on my 92 plymouth and probally is the same for your 95 chrysler.

    I have been told that a carbon build up causes my car to miss once in awhile at idle speed? Wires/plugs good, car runs great when moving.

    Any ideas?

    Peter, Sep 19, 2004
  5. ingenium

    Cloaked Guest

    Just a note, the "check engine" light does NOT always come on with a
    bad O2 sensor!

    My 94 GC with 3.3l was running roughly for over a month before the
    light came on. even then, the light would disappear and not re-light
    for days.

    When I had them put the scope on the O2 sensor and look at the signal,
    it was just a non-responsive square wave that did not change with
    varying engine conditions.

    Replaced the part, and viola! Runs like a hot damn again. :)
    Cloaked, Sep 21, 2004
  6. ingenium

    Bill Putney Guest

    You use musical instruments for exclamations? 8^)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 22, 2004
  7. ingenium

    Geoff Guest

    No, Bill, he replaced both the O2 sensor and the under-hood viola, and
    things were all better again! (Must have had the 'symphony' option.)


    Geoff, Sep 22, 2004
  8. ingenium

    Len Guest

    Yes a O2 won't always show, my van failed an etest and when it was
    hooked to a MAC scanner it showed a voltage change but it was not a big
    enough change. Changed out the O2 sensor and bang it started showing
    what it was supposed to and it then passed an etest with flying colours,
    this is in a 93 GC with 3.3L with well over 300,000K on it.

    REMOVE the NOCRAP in my address to reply.
    Len, Sep 29, 2004
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