88 New Yorker steering rack hoses

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steven Stone, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Steven Stone

    Steven Stone Guest

    The metal fluid tubes that connect one end of the rack to the other end
    of the rack have rusted out and sprung a leak (thanks New York State
    road salt crews)

    These are not the hoses going to the power steering pump.
    I don't see parts listings for these tubes.
    You have to either buy an entire rack or make them yourself.

    Anyone know a source for these tubes or dimensions and specs ?
    I figure most of the boneyard stuff must be in bad shape as well.

    Steven Stone, Jan 25, 2007
  2. Steven Stone

    Ace Guest

    I needed some brake hoses that were not stocked a few years ago. The
    parts house told me where to call and order them made. I am sure your
    parts house knows where to get custom tubes made. A Google search will
    probably find them.

    Bob AZ
    Ace, Jan 25, 2007
  3. Steven Stone

    Ace Guest


    Me again.


    Bob AZ
    Ace, Jan 25, 2007
  4. Steven Stone

    Steven Stone Guest

    |On Jan 24, 5:34 pm, Steven Stone <> .
    |> Anyone know a source for these tubes or dimensions and specs ?

    Thank you !

    Steven Stone, Jan 25, 2007
  5. Steven Stone

    philthy Guest

    you will find that those steel tubes are only available with the rack and i
    just had to make one for a windstar today using the original flair nuts
    since thiose are metric and not many parts stores carry them and i have
    even tried hardware stores that are stocked second to none
    the other option is get them from a salvage yard but they usually make you
    buy the rack
    philthy, Jan 25, 2007
  6. Steven Stone

    Ace Guest


    And again. Took a while but here they are.


    Bob AZ
    Ace, Jan 26, 2007
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