'87 LeBaron - Intermittent Non-Start

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by Aaron, May 12, 2004.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    Hello group - your advice needed, badly!

    I went to start my 87 LeBaron GTS 2.2 Turbo this morning and the car
    cranked beautifully but wouldn't start. I turned the key to on and
    could not hear the whine of the fuel pump, so this suggested a failed
    pump to me. In addition, the last time the car was driven (started
    perfect) was in rainy weather.

    However, of course after scheduling a tow-in to the garage (due to my
    lack of tools) the car starts and drives beautifully, and the pump
    does not sound in any way out of the ordinary. I started the vehicle 3
    or 4 times and drove it around the block to be sure it wasn't a fluke.
    It has not rained all day today. The car did not throw any codes when
    I checked.

    To me, this suggests faulty wiring somewhere that may be susceptible
    to moisture - especially if the fuel pump itself sounds as it always
    has. Where is wiring most vulnerable? What other things might be
    causing my problem? This is the first time it has happened in the 3
    years I've owned the car. I am going to take the risk of driving the
    car now, but it won't leave the city. Any help/suggestions/advice here
    would be GREATLY appreciated!

    Aaron, May 12, 2004
  2. Aaron

    Bill Putney Guest

    May never happen again, or could be fuel pump getting ready to fail -
    possibly brushes worn to their end-of-life (intermittent, temperature
    dependent), or intermittent relay.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 12, 2004
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    UPDATE: The car wouldn't start again this morning, same absence of
    fuel pump noise. I get it towed to the shop - low and behold, the damn
    thing starts. They're going to wait for the car to cool, and may
    perhaps have to wait until tomorrow morning to see if it does the same
    thing. AGGGGH! Thoughts???

    Aaron, May 12, 2004
  4. Auto Shutdown relay and its circuit
    Fuel pump relay and its circuit
    Ignition switch
    SMEC (ECM) pins and connector sockets
    Fuel pump and its circuit

    Daniel J. Stern, May 12, 2004
  5. Aaron

    Ted Guest

    As always kind of hard to diagnose things "over the phone",, but that said,

    I would suspect the "pigtail" on the fuel pump especially if you live in an
    area with salty roads in the winter time..or at that age even the pump
    itself,, next time it doesn't start crawl under and tap the tank (near the
    pump) with a block of wood or something handy and try again.
    Ted, May 13, 2004
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