Got too many toys! I'm selling an ORIGINAL 75000 mi gold car with all the bells & whistles, ice cold air - NEVER painted, has all the original stripes & was owned by the selling dealer, not titl;es until 90 (ran dealer plates) Pristine, no door dings, chrome over wheel wells is new condition! Only flaw is the headliner that needs replacement. This car has always been garaged & COVERED! iT HAS SPENT MORE TIME OUTSIDE IN THE LAST MONTH THAN IT EVER HAS. Want an original that runs & drives that way? grand & a headliner gets it, do it now before I am forced to put it on e bay. I've had 3 eye operations in the last year & it is only a matter of time that I will be forced to stop driving so I figure I had better start selling some of the "toys" (junk my wife says) while I still have some sight left! 678 687 0921 (Atlanta airport area)