6 speeds automatic trans.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe Brown, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. Joe Brown

    Joe Brown Guest

    Our new 2008 T/C van has a automatic with 6 speeds. Why would a person
    shift it manually?
    Joe Brown, Feb 28, 2008
  2. Joe Brown

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I can't speak for having this capability in a minivan, but do know that the
    "auto-stick", which allowed manual shifts of the electronically controlled
    4-speed automatic transmission on my 1996 Eagle Vision TSI, was a wonderful
    feature. I used it regularly every winter to compensate for the low 1st
    gear and high torque engine which used to result in simply spinning the
    wheels whenever trying to start from a dead stop on snow/glare ice. By
    starting in 2nd or even 3rd gear, I was able to simply pull away (rather
    slowly) without spinning or sliding on ice.

    Other than this application, I also occasionally used the manual gear
    control to downshift into lower gears and provide some engine braking when
    descending steep declines.

    Hope this is what you were looking for from your question.

    Bob Shuman, Feb 28, 2008
  3. Joe Brown

    Ron Seiden Guest

    When climbing a twisty mountain road, I dropped my trans from "D" into "3"
    to prevent it from shifting up into overdrive every time I lifted my foot
    off the gas for another hairpin turn. When the slope got steep enough, I
    even put it into "2". The reason for a shift selector on an automatic is to
    be able to override it for particular needs or performance.
    Ron Seiden, Feb 29, 2008
  4. Joe Brown

    Lloyd Guest

    Also, if you're slowing because, say, the car in front of you is
    turning, you can downshift and be in a lower gear for acceleration
    before putting your foot back on the accelerator, and thus before the
    tranny will downshift on its own. That's what I used to use mine for
    Lloyd, Feb 29, 2008
  5. Joe Brown

    Steve Guest

    Same reason you'd shift a 1969 3-speed automatic manually from time to
    time- in situations where you need more control.

    Driving down a mountain road to utilize engine braking rather than wear
    out the brakes. Driving up a mountain road to minimize "hunting" between
    gears. Holding it in a lower gear as you approach a freeway onramp so
    that you can jump in to traffic at maximum acceleration without waiting
    for the transmission to figure out that it needs to downshift. Starting
    up on an icy road in 2nd gear so that you minimize wheelspin. Etc. etc.
    etc. etc.
    Steve, Mar 2, 2008
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