2003 300m special timing belt

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by Lorenzo R., Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Lorenzo R.

    Lorenzo R. Guest

    Does a 300m special have a timing belt or chain? if belt at what mileage
    does it need to be changed im at 138000km
    Lorenzo R., Jan 1, 2008
  2. Lorenzo R.

    Bill Putney Guest

    The North American 300M has the 3.5 liter engine - timing *belt* -
    change interval is 102k miles for the 2003 (water pump is driven by that
    belt, so should be changed at the same time as well as the tensioner
    pulley). Some Eureopean M's have the 2.7 liter engine, which has a
    timing chain (no prescribed change interval for the chain, however, the
    water pump is driven by the chain). Both engines are interference

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jan 1, 2008
  3. You should only use the manufacturer's mileage recommendations on
    a timing belt as the absolute longest amount of time before changing
    the belt. What your supposed to be doing is a -visual- check on the
    -condition- of the timing belt at least once a year. ANY cracking AT
    ALL even very fine "spidering" cracking on the back of the belt should
    result in an immediate scheduling of the car in to have the belt changed.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 2, 2008
  4. Lorenzo R.

    Bill Putney Guest

    But we both know that 99.9% of people don't check them, and some lesser
    percentage of people that even know about the subject to this level will
    check before the prescribed change interval. I don't know about you,
    but I don't. It comes under the category of not enough hours in the day
    (to be that way - anal - about everything) and willing to take the
    chance - especially if you have to pay someone to check it, i.e., over a
    lifetime, the cost of having it checked weighed against the risk of
    losing an engine due to a prematurely failed belt will probably cost
    more, or at least I'm still willing to take the chance and eat the
    difference if I lose the bet. If it was more accessible for inspection
    - i.e., you raise the hood and look at it like you would an accessory
    belt, that would be a different story.

    Also, a timing belt's potential for failure is more dependent on the
    condition of it's internal fibers/cords, which you have no way of
    assessing, and is completely independent of any external appearance.
    Also, many timing belts also drive water pumps, which in some cases turn
    out to be the weakest link.

    Also, if you don't do the checking yourself, chances are, for 90+% of
    the public, eventually some shop will fraudulently tell them it needs
    replacing when it doesn't, so they will end up replacing it when it
    doesn't need it even under the inspection criteria you gave (that same
    90+% would not know they could have the old parts returned for
    verification of the old belt's condition, or not know that they were
    given some other car's belt instead). IOW - your odds are better taking
    your chances that it will go the distance - especially if you are
    dependent for a repair shop to check it for you and you, for whatever
    reason, are not able to check behind them (again - for 90+% of the
    public that is probably the case).


    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jan 2, 2008
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