2001 PT Cruiser A/C @ idle Problem

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Papa Roach, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Papa Roach

    Papa Roach Guest

    My 2001 PT has just started a strange thing a week or so ago. When I
    start the car and it is at idle and turn on the A/C the system seems
    to cycle the compressor on for a few seconds. No more than ten. Then
    it is off for about 30 seconds and cycles on for several seconds and
    then off again.
    The air is obviously not cool. Now, when I start to drive off the
    system works perfectly. Not only that, but it will cycle and cool
    correctly while at idle and also work perfectly if turned off for an
    hour or two and when started and at idle it will cycle and cool
    This is a problem because when I transport my mother who is partially
    paralyzed from a stroke, I need to set her in the car and then either
    place her regular wheelchair in the back or if she uses her power
    chair I have to pull the ramp out and load the chair in the back and
    restow the ramp. Living in Florida necessitates having the A/C
    running for her while waiting.
    Stepping on the accelerator and racing the engine has no effect. The
    Freon level is fine and the wiring is fine. There are no fault codes
    and I and the repair shop are at a loss. I can't leave the vehicle
    there overnight so they can see the problem. I am disabled myself and
    with the dealership so far away, I can't ride with just the windows
    open in 97 degree weather with sporadic rainfall and high humidity.

    Sorry for the long story, but I wanted to explain reasons for not
    letting the situation start where the repair shop or dealer can see it
    for themselves. The car is a limited edition with 43000 miles on it.
    I know we don't drive many miles. This problem seems to occur after
    sitting overnight. Last week it was driven three days in a row and
    each morning it was the same problem.


    Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
    Papa Roach, Jun 11, 2007
  2. Papa Roach

    damnnickname Guest

    You need to see what the pressures are when the a/c is on. The first thing
    to check is the A/C fan assembly. When the A/C turns on the outside
    radiator fan has to turn on, if it doesnt the system will go into a high
    pressure on the high side and cut the compressor off. This will cause your
    lack of cooling at idle. Driving down the road the A/C should work ok due
    to forced air across the condensor by driving. You may also be
    experiencing a higher then normal engine temp at idle.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Jun 11, 2007
  3. Papa Roach

    LindholmJ Guest

    Glenn - I have a question... First, thanks for your response. I am
    running into a similar problem with my PT Cruiser. If you turn on
    the air conditioner - what triggers the radiator fan to turn on?
    Should the radiator fan be running whenever the AC switch is

    Here is the path I've been down. Might be conspiracy theory - but -
    maybe you can tell me if I'm nuts...

    We initially fixed a pressure problem on the low side by replacing the
    receiver-drier assembly. Recharged the system to find out the high
    side pressure was off the scale. Radiator fan wasn't turning when the
    AC switch was turned on. The non-dealership tech tracked down a
    wiring diagram for the fan/PCM assembly, checked both relays, and
    found that the PCM wasn't supplying a ground to the fan when AC is
    switched on. He could artificially ground the fan -- and the AC
    would work. This led to non-dealership tech telling me that PCM
    needed to be replaced.... Initial thought was that he was nuts and I
    went to a dealership to get it checked.

    Dealership came back and definitively told me it was the radiator fan
    -- even though the fan was operational on engine temperature control
    relay. Replaced the fan -- AC worked for a about 2 days, cool
    weather. I'm now back in the same situation. Went out to check the
    car before returning to the dealership to find the fan not spinning.
    If I turn on the AC, the fan does not engage. Service Rep is telling
    me this is due to the lack of freon in the system -- which they
    believe is due to a bad high pressure vent on the compressor. The
    PCM is still able to engage the fan for engine cooling, and I'm not
    seeing any temperature/overheat issues.

    Question is... Am I a victim of Chicken / Egg theory? or is the fan
    not getting a signal to turn on from the PCM and causing the freon to

    LindholmJ, Jun 13, 2007
  4. Papa Roach

    maxpower Guest

    The fan dual speed electric fan. It will always turn on when the a/c is on
    unless the system is out of R134. The pressures will go extremely high if
    the fan does not turn on and possibly blow the R134 out of the system
    causing a low charge. The first thing to do is check for proper charge. This
    may require a recover/weight and recharge procedure Your PT has 2 a/c ports
    at the top near the passenger side and one at the bottom near the a/c
    AT THE COMPRESSOR. If you use the high side port at the top it will not give
    you an actual reading and will cause a problem due to false high side
    readings. (High side pressure will show low at all times on this port). The
    radiator fan operation is control by the Powertrain Control Module with
    inputs from the temperature of the coolant, which is sensed by the coolant
    temperature sensor, and vehicle speed which is measured by the vehicle speed
    sensor. The PCM turns on the fan through either the high or low speed fan
    relay. The PCM provides a ground to the relay's control circuit. The PCM
    grounds the fan motor to engage it. If the motor is open circuit it will not
    turn on.

    maxpower, Jun 13, 2007
  5. Papa Roach

    Papa Roach Guest

    Pressures are normal. Fan runs when A/C is turned on. Fan runs in
    low and high speeds as needed. Forgot to state those facts. As when
    I stated before (including this new information) all things except the
    cycling run fine. Car never overheats. That surprises me since there
    is no room in the engine bay for a cockroach to pass through sideways
    with it's stomach sucked in! LOL.
    The only work done on this car besides the normal maintenance, recalls
    and regular manual listed mileage service is there was a leak in the
    tranny vacuum modulator assembly at the tranny. Had that replaced,
    new trans filter/fluid/flush/gasket et al. Found thermostat was stuck
    open and replaced it. A small leak in the radiator and had that
    replaced. Thank God for aftermarket extended warrenties !!!
    My regular TRUSTED repair center and the dealership have no clue. They
    cannot repeat the problem and find no fault codes. They state the
    pressures are fine.
    Papa Roach, Jun 13, 2007
  6. Papa Roach

    maxpower Guest

    OK one more time, Are you having the A/C pressure checked at both ports near
    the passenger side strut tower? If so you are NOT reading the high side
    pressure. It has to be checked down at the A/C compressor discharge port or
    the reading will be false. If you are experiencing a high pressure the
    compressor will cut on and off and not cool at all. IF the system is working
    when the tests are being performed it would be hard to say what the problem
    is. Have you taken the vehicle in when the problem is happening?

    maxpower, Jun 13, 2007
  7. Papa Roach

    Papa Roach Guest

    I, myself, am not checking the pressures on the A/C. I am assuming
    that either the Chrysler dealer or the <mechanic shop I take it to for
    repairs has one person who knows where to check the pressures. But I
    will take it back and mention this information. After all, to assume
    makes an ass out of U and ME. LOL
    Taking the car in results in the problem not occurring. Once the
    vehicle is driven the compressor cycles correctly. It is just after
    sitting for at the very least, overnight and starting it the following
    day where it will not cycle correctly when initially started and not
    driven off. The cycling is a short on period and the air coming out
    is cool, just that with the short on and longer off cycle the air
    isn't cool enough. Once, the car is driven any distance, even a
    block, at even a slow speed, the compressor cycle is normal and will
    remain so until the vehicle sits overnight.
    I can leave the car idling after it is driven and the A/C will be cold
    and the car not overheat in this hot humid weather. And leave it idle
    for 15-20 minutes with only a slight reduction in the output
    temperature which I attribute to idling and the compressor not
    spinning fast enough. But it is still cold.
    Papa Roach, Jun 20, 2007
  8. Papa Roach

    maxpower Guest

    Not making an ass out of me!! LOL
    Once again, it is a dual speed motor and when the A/C is turned on the
    radiator fan must turn on also or it will develope problems. It does not
    turn on from a high pressure switch. It turns on when the request for the
    compressor is seen.
    maxpower, Jun 20, 2007
  9. Papa Roach

    Jack.Tools Guest


    If I may add to the previous AC questions asked above; I also have a
    2001 PT Cruiser that had air conditioning last year, but didn't work
    starting this summer. I have taken it to my mechanic and had the
    compressor replaced (because everything else checked out ok) and still
    the compressor will not engage. I am told that the R134 is at the
    proper pressure and that the compressor can be jumped. Even when the
    compressor is jumped, there is not any cold air, because the fan does
    not come on.

    The fan does come on when the radiator temperature tells it to cool,
    but from what I have read above, this should come on when I turn on
    the air conditioner.

    My mechanic says that there is an electrical problem, but has not
    gotten around to tracing it. The temperature is starting to get real
    hot, and I would love to have my air back. Is there anything I can
    tell my mechanic to try before cutting open the wire harness?

    Thanks in advance,
    Jack.Tools, Jun 25, 2007
  10. Papa Roach

    maxpower Guest

    It sounds to me like the technician isn't familiar with the vehicle. The Fan
    MUST come on when the A/C is requested. If the technician that is working on
    the vehicle is using the A/C ports at the passenger side shock tower he is
    not getting the proper reading. The high side MUST be checked at the high
    side fitting down by the A/C compressor to get the correct reading. I would
    be willing to bet that the compressor is kicking out because the high side
    cut out switch is turning the compressor off and the reason it is going high
    is because the fan assembly is bad.\

    maxpower, Jun 25, 2007
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