1998 Dodge Grand Caravan - ABS warning light on, vehicle running but gauges not working

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mgl, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. mgl

    mgl Guest

    Had the following problem twice
    - once after van had been driven around town most of day(start/stop)
    - once after van had been sitting in work parking lot all day

    - Vechicle starts
    - But, temperature guage, Rpm guage and gas guage do not work
    - All other electirical (lights, radio, windows, wipers etc work) and
    morter is running.
    - ABS warning light stays on

    - Let vehicle sit for a while, without doing anything, eventually vehicle
    starts normally and everything appears to be fine. No ABS warning light

    - guages run on own fuse
    - instrutment pannel warning lights on their own fuse

    first time it happend, I was not present not assume fuse problem
    -started up the van and everything work fine
    - pulled out gauges fuse looked okay but replaced anyway

    Second time - 1.5 weeks later

    - Started vehicle
    - ABS light came on
    - but no temp gauge, rpm gauge, no gas gauge
    - radio, ligts wipers etc..working

    - turn off/off couple of times same problem

    - let sit about 10 minutes started up and everything okay

    I am really hoping that is some kind of know problem not a intermittent
    Fuse/Short/ground problem as they can take forever to find.

    Has anyone heard/seen anything like that

    Mark Lucas

    mgl, Aug 14, 2008
  2. Hi Mark-

    How old is your battery? My '98 was doing the dead gauges thing and I
    noticed the odometer and shifter display were flickering. Turned out the
    battery was weak - new battery and all has been perfect since. (I do not
    recall the ABS light being on.)

    Paul of Dayton, Aug 17, 2008
    guswww likes this.
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